
Monster ear doctor Android Spiel

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monster ear doctormonster ear doctormonster ear doctormonster ear doctor
Die beschreibung Monster ear doctor: The cute monster will need your help in this doctor game for free because his hearing is not that great so you might want to investigate the situation. Invite him into your office and start the consultation. Make sure you will be thorough and identify the problem because we all know that having aches and pains is not really awesome and even more so partial loss of hearing is worse. You will need to use all the tools available in this ear doctor game as the cute monster really has some small ears and you will need to get to the bottom of the problem. Have a great time trying to fix your new patient and surely you two will become friends once you will succeed in this surgery game online. Keep in mind that you will need to not make any mistakes like a real doctor because there are delicate things in ears especially as the ones you are working with are not human. Enjoy your time being a doctor and helping people and cute monsters as they are in need as well. ..

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